SMaILE APP received the prestigious "GEE! People's Choice Award"
SMaILE APP received the mention of finalist in the "Informal Learning" category
SMaILE: pics of the final event
SMaILE final event
March 30, 2023
Corso Regina Margherita 128, Turin
09.00 - 12.00 Workshops for 6 classes
12.15 - 13.00 Press conference with institutional greetings
14.30 - 15.30 Presentation GAME 4 AI, SMAILE APP, EMP AI
15.45 - 17.00 Presentation of territorial partner initiatives
17.00 - 17.15 Conclusions and greetings
SMaILE at the Ambrosio cinema
December 16, 2022
At the Ambrosio cinema in Turin, Prof. Sara Bernardini of the Royal Holloway University presented certificates of participation to the over 30 schools that participated in the workshops with the SMAILE APP held during the Sottodiciotto Festival & Campus.
SMaILE at the Technology Biennale
November 13, 2022
SMAILE participated in the Technology Biennial with two activities carried out da PoliTO - DISMA. The boys through the game were able to sco reveal some basic concepts that allowed them to reflect on the use of technology in the sustainable city of the future.
The school of future. The impact of the digital revolution on the education system.
Friday 30 September 2022
Giacomo Como, Full Professor at the Polytechnic of Turin - DISMA Department of Mathematical Sciences "GL Lagrange", will present the Smaile App at the Umberto I National Boarding School.
SMaILE at the European Researchers' Night
Friday 30 September 2022
The researchers of the University of Turin, Elisa Marengo and Elena Gandolfi participate in "European Researchers' Night" by presenting the EmpAI project of SMaILE; title of the activity "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE EXPLAINED WITHOUT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE"
SMaILE in schools
For the entire month of May, SMAILE visited numerous classes of the Comprehensive Foscolo Falletti Barolo Institute and the Tommaseo Comprehensive Institute of Turin, with the training and workshops of the EmpAI project led by the University of Turin.
In these lessons the students experimented with Artificial Intelligence, programming an educational robot capable of avoiding obstacles, following paths and executing voice commands.
SMaILE at the Politecnico di Torino
"The mathematics of interacting networks and systems: epidemics, fake news and Artificial Intelligence".
In May 2022, at the "GL Lagrange" Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Politecnico di Torino, 25 high school students participated in 10 lessons for a PCTO course (paths for transversal skills and orientation) with Luca Damonte and Martina Vanelli.
The course includes references to case studies used by DISMA for the SMAILE research project.
Dalla mente computazionale alla mente incarnata
Thursday 28 October h. 17:45
Seminar - DISMA - Politecnico di Torino + Zoom
Using visual perception as a case study, ALFREDO PATERNOSTER, Full Professor of Philosophy and Language Theory at the University of Bergamo, will guide us through the world of cognitive science.
(link Zoom in the flyer)
Tuesday 5th October 09.30 am
EMPOWERING AI COMPETENCES IN CHILDREN: a training program based on simple playful activities.
MONICA BUCCIARELLI is Full Professor of General Psychology at the Psychology Department of the University of Turin and is President of the Center for Logic, Language and Cognition at the same university. She deals with representations and mental processes at the basis of learning and reasoning; with reference to the latter, her most recent research activity has concerned the ability of children and adults to formulate informal algorithms.
Thursday 7 October 4:30 pm
EMPAI: Artificial Intelligence learned in a natural way.
MATTEO BALDONI, associate professor of the Computer Science department of the University of Turin and member of the board of the Italian association for Artificial Intelligence and CRISTINA BAROGLIO, associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Turin, participate with #Smaile at #DidaMatica in the section "Educational technologies and their evolution in the AI era" presenting the development and activities of the project:
Workshop at Convitto Umberto I
"Thank you to all the students from 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐎 𝐍𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐎 𝐈 who took part in the first focus group of the SMaILE project. It was really a stimulating experience!"