Teaching AI through Game Theory, Mechanism Design and Gamification.
R&D: POLITECNICO DI TORINO, DISMA Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche G.L. Lagrange.
As the fundamentals of AI embrace several areas of the mathematical, statistical and computer sciences, there is a widespread belief that they can be taught only to audiences with advanced knowledge in these subjects.
Challenging this belief, DISMA coordinate efforts within SMAILE to develop a novel gametheoretic approach and design an innovative pedagogic methodology based on Gamification for teaching the fundamentals of AI to secondary school students and non-specialists.
DISMA leads the project by performing the following activities:
Develop the foundational, theoretical aspects behind SMAILE
Coordinate the application-oriented activities carried out by the research and development partners and local stakeholders within the projects Empa AI and Smaila App.
Organize the validation and evaluation work in cooperation with the other partners.
The target audience consists of students at lower and upper secondary schools, but the methodological approach and outcomes of SMAILE have the potential to achieve a broader impact in teaching the fundamentals of AI to larger audiences of adults as well.
SURVEY GAME SMAILE - Discover your profile in the universe of Artificial Intelligence with SMaILE
A gamified Survey to discover the user's profile in the universe of Artificial Intelligence.
The project was developed by DISMA of Politecnico di Torino, in partnership with Giffoni Innovation Hub.
Thanks to a path consisting of 10 questions, participants can find out which style of Artificial Intelligence suits them best.
Three profiles: Organizer / Organizer; Explorer/Explorer, Communicator/Communicator.
The Survey Game aims to introduce reflection on the vastness of this sector, illustrating its potential and risks.